Falköping: Das Solarpotenzial grüner Bauernhöfe
Preview of AEG storage unit at Intersolar 2019. The new entry joins the residential inverters and Ultra-Black solar
modules in AEG’s portfolio, fi nalising the AEG offer tailored towards premium home solar installations
Frankfurt am Main, May 12, 2019 –Solar Solutions, offi cial supplier of AEG photovoltaic products, expands their offer
for the residential segment with an energy storage solution specifi cally designed for home PV installations and smaller
commercial projects. The AEG storage unit (available in Q3, 2019 for the European market) will premiere at Intersolar
Europe in Munich, and expand the current product portfolio of solar inverters, PV modules and monitoring solutions
for residential and commercial installations.
The new AEG energy storage solution is conceived to meet the needs of small-size residential and commercial
installations. With 4 kWh battery capacity, and an integrated hybrid inverter of 3 kWp, it ensures intelligent energy
management for the home, harvesting energy from the solar installation to power domestic appliances and
redistributing the excess to the grid. The AEG storage unit combines sturdy design and quality materials, with sleek,
chic looks in full black to deliver safety and aesthetics for indoor use.
Sleek looks are something the storage unit shares with the newest high-effi ciency AEG Ultra-Black monocrystalline
solar modules and the domestic mono- and three-phase solar inverters up to 10 kW, also on display at the AEG booth.
Customers visiting the AEG stand will also be able to experience fi rst-hand the AEG Individual Module Monitoring
(IMM) Technology, integrated in AEG solar modules and also available as smart upgrade for existing installations.
The AEG IMM smart monitoring technology leverages the vast data analysis capabilities of artifi cial intelligence to
allow users to easily manage the maintenance of their solar power plant, gaining control of its performance, locating
exact technical issues at module level and providing fi nancially optimised maintenance solutions for the whole plant.
With a distribution network that spans today over 40 countries, Solar Solutions looks forward to welcoming their
international partners and customers to Intersolar Europe in Munich (May 15-17) in Hall B2, stand B2 374.